What do I do if I am replacing my mobile device?

You can still access your data when changing mobile devices!

To set up the Hailie® Smartinhaler® app on your new mobile device, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to How do I download and install the Hailie® Smartinhaler® app. 
  2. Log into the app once installed.
  3. Visit Manually Pair a Hailie® Smartinhaler® sensor to pair your sensor.
  4. Repeat the process if you have more than one sensor.

You won't be able to see any new data on your new phone if you don't pair your Hailie® Smartinhaler® sensors.


Visit Which mobile devices can I use with my Hailie® Smartinhaler® sensor? if you have problems downloading the app.

Please contact your Health Care Professional or Program Administrator if you need further assistance.

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