How is my inhaler adherence calculated?


The Hailie® Smartinhaler® sensor automatically records the date and time an inhaler dose was taken and uploads this data to the Hailie® Smartinhaler® app when next synced.

Your past seven days inhaler data is displayed in the app dashboard by default, where you can view and analyze your inhaler use with real-time data.

You can compare you inhaler doses to any prescribed doses you may have, or, you can see how frequently you take your inhaler.

Your Health Care Professional or Program Administrator can also view this data in the Hailie® Smartinhaler® web portal, which allows for an individualized treatment plan for your asthma or COPD.

 The adherence calculation is based on a fixed 24-hour clock:

  • An inhaler dose is taken between midnight and midday, it is counted as an AM dose.
  • If a dose is taken between midday and midnight, it is counted as a PM dose.
  • If an evening dose is taken after midnight, it will appear as a morning dose for the next day.  This will affect the adherence calculation whereby day 1 will display 50% instead of 100% adherence.


  • Percentage AM adherence = the total number of doses taken between 12am and 11:59:59am divided by the number of prescribed inhaler doses in AM.
  • Percentage PM adherence = the total number of doses taken between 12pm and 11:59:59pm divided by the number of prescribed inhaler doses in PM.
  • Percentage adherence = the average adherence value for the day, calculated by averaging the AM and PM values.
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