Syncing is when the Hailie® Smartinhaler® sensor transfers all its data to the Hailie® Smartinhaler® app.
The sensor needs to be paired with the mobile device and be allowed access to the app to be able to transfer the data.
If the sensor is paired and connected to the device, yet data is not displaying in the app, try the following checks below:
- The sensor has a compatible inhaler installed and installed correctly and cap is off.
- The sensor LED flashed green after the inhaler was used.
- The sensor displays a Last Synced: Just Now (or a time within the last 10mins) on the Hailie® app dashboard.
- The sensor displays as a paired device in the app inhalers screen.
- The sensor displays as a paired device on the mobile device Bluetooth settings.
- The mobile device Bluetooth, Location Services (Android) and Wi-Fi / data are enabled.
- The Hailie® Smartinhaler® app has permissions enabled to use these (Bluetooth/Location) services.
- The app is open and close to the sensor.
- Check Sensor Battery Status to ensure the sensor has enough battery, the sensor battery needs to be orange or green level.
- Make sure the mobile device has enough battery and charge if required.
- Complete a Manual Sync on your Sensor making sure the sensor LED is flashing white while doing so.
- The sensor LED flashed green at the end of the manual sync.
- Toggle Bluetooth off and on again.
- Refresh the app.
- The app is open and within 10 meters / 32 feet of the sensor.
- Other wireless communications are kept away from the sensor and app.
If this does not help, contact your Health Care Professional or Program Administrator for further assistance.
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